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Tradeshow: Chronosphere at DevOpsDays LA

Date: Fri, March 10, 2023

Location: Pasadena Convention Center, 300 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101

We are proud to announce the 12th Annual DevOpsDaysLA will be held Friday, March 10th, 2023. DevOpsDaysLA is an anual event held in Southern California. The conference is volunteer-organized and dedicated to the DevOps community.DevOpsDaysLA is presented in cooperation with the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE).

Taming Feral DevOps

Feral devops…sounds like an oxymoron right? Devops describes a culture and philosophy where developers and operators closely collaborate for more efficient and effective system operations. Feral conjures images of lone wolves leaning on themselves alone to survive. It is a contradictory term but one that describes an organization’s first steps on their devops journey.

The misunderstanding that devops is a tool or team or role has tragically increased the gulf between developers and operators.If you have been unofficially on-call 24/7, toiled in turmoil, managed initiatives across multiple silos sans PM with a directive to “influence without authority”…surprise you have lived the contradiction that is feral devops! Consequences of letting this fester are: burn out, learned helplessness and missing out on the speed that happens when developers and operators communicate openly. Taming feral devops can start by gathering feedback on the status quo, iterating on onboarding and training and holistically examining on-call health.Whether you’re an IC, manager or leader you will find ideas to experiment with to “domesticate” devops in your organization.

An infinity symbol with the words devops encompassing the spirit of DevOpsDays LA.


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Paige Cruz
Paige Cruz

Senior Developer Advocate

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Paige Cruz
Paige Cruz

Senior Developer Advocate

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Paige Cruz

Senior Developer Advocate

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Paige Cruz is a Senior Developer Advocate at Chronosphere passionate about cultivating sustainable on-call practices and bringing folks their aha moment with observability. She started as a software engineer at New Relic before switching to Site Reliability Engineering holding the pager for InVision, Lightstep, and Weedmaps. Off-the-clock you can find her spinning yarn, swooning over alpacas, or watching trash TV on Bravo.