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Virtual Event: DeveloperWeek Europe 2024

Date: Wed, June 5, 2024

End Date: Thu, June 6, 2024

Location: Virtual

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Paige Cruz
Paige Cruz

Senior Developer Advocate

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Paige Cruz
Paige Cruz

Senior Developer Advocate

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Paige Cruz

Senior Developer Advocate

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Paige Cruz is a Senior Developer Advocate at Chronosphere passionate about cultivating sustainable on-call practices and bringing folks their aha moment with observability. She started as a software engineer at New Relic before switching to Site Reliability Engineering holding the pager for InVision, Lightstep, and Weedmaps. Off-the-clock you can find her spinning yarn, swooning over alpacas, or watching trash TV on Bravo.


DeveloperWeek Europe 2024 is the largest virtual software developer conference & expo dedicated to Europe’s tech community. Join 2,000+ engineering professionals and technical practitioners & leaders from across Europe as the community gathers for two days of education & networking — Virtual Conference & Workshops, a 2-day Virtual Expo, 1:1 Networking, and more.

They will be showcasing 100+ technical speakers from Europe and the world’s top technology companies and corporate engineering teams, inviting attendees from over 1,000+ companies to take part in Europe’s largest developer & engineering conference & expo.

Session: Observability Concepts EVERY Developer Should Know

Monitoring and observability aren’t traditionally found in software curriculums and many of us cobble this knowledge together from whatever vendor or ecosystem we were first introduced to and whatever is a part of your current company’s observability stack.

While the dev and ops silo continues to crumble….many organizations still relegate monitoring & observability as the purview of ops, infra and SRE teams. This is a mistake – achieving a highly observable system requires collaboration up and down the stack.

I, a former op, would like to extend an invitation to all application developers to join the observability party will share these foundational concepts to build on:

  • Weighing which telemetry type to leverage when instrumenting
  • Understanding the path telemetry takes from your application, to any processing pipelines, and all the way to being stored and queryable
  • Evaluating timeseries graphs!
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