An eye on Observability for May

        Description: A pixelated image of an eye in black and white, capturing the essence of simplicity and minimalism.
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Con on!

Yes, KubeCon returned with vengeance to Europe, and over 7000 cloud native hungry folks made their way to Valencia to see what was new in the world of Kubernetes and cloud computing. There was a lot that happened, and for more detail, read our wrap up post, the rest of this newsletter summarizes some of the most relevant topics.


OpenTelemetry gets all grown up

With OpenTelemetry announced as the Cloud Native Foundation’s (CNCF) second most active project, there were a lot of related announcements at KubeCon.

TimeScale added support, DataDog added support, and 🥳 new 1.0 release candidates for OpenTelemetry added a lot of new features and support to clients. For a great overview of client and feature support, Dotan Horowits’s talk from KubeCon is highly recommended.

Finally on the topic, Roni Dover published a great post on how to improve code design with OpenTelemetry.

OK, that’s it for OpenTelemetry, promise!

Fluent confidence

Not a project that this newsletter covers very often, but one we love nonetheless, Calyptia announced a long term support (LTS) version of Fluent Bit, the open source logs and metrics processor. This LTS version brings the best of Fluent Bit with seamless patches and new features applied to your environments.

Prove your Prometheus

Prometheus, PromQL, and compatible metrics are used widely across Observability tools and providers, so much so, the CNCF announced a new certification program.

If you consider yourself something of an expert already, then sign up to be part of the beta program, and help others learn what’s really important.

And if you feel you need to learn a bit more about Prometheus first, then there’s hours of video from Prometheus Day EU now available on YouTube.

A mishmesh

Another learning from KubeCon was that while a lot of people use service meshes, they were often confused by how to use them and what to use them for. There wasn’t a lot of news from mesh providers at this KubeCon, perhaps resting after a plethora of activity from the last event.

Too much of a good thing

Echoing many of Chronosphere’s Martin Mao’s thoughts, something else from Dotan Horowitz, this time a podcast episode with Jujhar Singh, where they discuss “How much Observability is enough?”.

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