Location: Virtual
Check out this blog for an introduction to metrics monitoring with Fluent Bit and M3DB.
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
Gibbs Cullen is a developer advocate at Chronosphere and makes it possible for the community to understand the concepts behind Prometheus and using M3 as a long term storage, in addition to helping the community with best practices in alerting, monitoring and configuring their deployment of Prometheus and M3 in Kubernetes. Prior to Chronosphere she was a product manager on the AWS Data Lab team.
Co-Founder of Calyptia
Co-Founder of Calyptia
Co-Founder of Calyptia
Anurag is a maintainer of the Fluentd and Fluent Bit project as well as a co-founder of Calyptia. Previously he has worked at Elastic, driving cloud product and creating the Elastic Operator product. He has also worked at Treasure Data heading enterprise open source with Fluentd, and Microsoft Azure Log Analytics working on Observability as a cloud provider.