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Cloud Native + Kubernetes Meetup Edinburgh 2024

Date: Wed, May 15, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM GMT

Location: CodeBase Ltd 37a Castle Terrace | Edinburgh

Events preview card Milan


Eric Schabell
Eric D. Schabell

Director of Technical Marketing and Evangelism | Chronosphere

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Eric Schabell
Eric D. Schabell

Director of Technical Marketing and Evangelism | Chronosphere

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Eric D. Schabell

Director of Technical Marketing and Evangelism | Chronosphere

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Eric is Chronosphere’s Director of Technical Marketing and Evangelism. He’s renowned in the development community as a speaker, lecturer, author and baseball expert. His current role allows him to help the world understand the challenges they are facing with cloud native observability. He brings a unique perspective to the stage with a professional life dedicated to sharing his deep expertise of open source technologies, organizations, and is a CNCF Ambassador.


Hey folks, we’ve another awesome CNK Edinburgh meetup scheduled. Usual format, two great talks interspersed with decent pizza and drinks – you know the drill!


6:00pm – Food and drink, sponsored by Chronosphere.

6:30pm – Power up with Podman (Eric D. Schabell, Chronosphere)

7:15pm – Break

7:30pm – Anti-patterns of Cloud Operation (Giacomo Marletta, Amigoco)

8:15pm – Wrap up, social

Talk Details

Power up with “Podman” (Eric D. Schabell, Chronosphere)

Curious about containers beyond Docker? There’s a new generation of containers on the scene, Podman! Supporting secure, rootless containers for Kubernetes microservices, it was designed and built with the cloud in mind. Benefitting from the lessons learned out in the open from Docker, this next generation of containers will quickly become a trusted daily driver in your dev workflow.

Covering what you need to know as an end-user from the UI to the backend, sharing a real world use case leveraging Podman for open source observability workshops

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