KubeCon EU 2024: Turn cloud native chaos into clarity

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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU lets attendees learn about the latest cloud native topics. Learn where Chronosphere and Calyptia will be at the show.

A woman with purple hair standing in front of flowers, showcasing the observability trend in 2024.
Jess Lulka Technical Content Writer | Chronosphere

Jess is a Technical Content Writer on the content marketing team at Chronosphere. She has over a decade of experience writing, editing, and managing content for B2B technology brands. Prior to Chronosphere, she worked at TechTarget covering data center, virtualization, and IoT technology. She currently resides in Seattle and is a trivia enthusiast.


If you find yourself to be a bit of a control freak (when it comes to taming data) and want to get actionable insights out of your metrics, events, logs, and traces (MELT), then mark your calendars for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU in Paris, France, from March 19-22. 

This event, run by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), gives attendees the chance to see the latest cloud native technology, discuss industry trends, network with experts, and see new CNCF projects. 

There’s no shortage of presentations, gatherings, or networking opportunities to attend with over 30 keynote speakers and thousands of talks. Developers and engineering management might also find themselves at Cloud Native Rejekts or Open Observability Day to get a more granular look at cloud native tech and observability. 

Want to catch Chronosphere and Calyptia at the show? Read on for where and when to find us – and where you can see us on stage.      

Learn about observability; reduce MELT downs

For most cloud native environments, more MELT telemetry often leads to more problems and system complexity. Spend time getting advice from our experts as they share their expertise. We’ll be speaking at KubeCon EU and co-hosted events such as Cloud Native Rejekts, Open Observability Day, and OpenShift Commons Gathering 

Be sure to add these sessions to your calendar: 

Fluent Bit, the engine to power ChatOps
Sunday, March 17, 3:10-3:40 PM (CET), Patrick Stephens
Cloud Rejekts, Espot, 150 Rue Rivoli 75001 Paris

The key to successful ChatOps is to be able to identify the important information in a timely manner using the best communications channel for a team (which could range from Slack to a bespoke app), and then enable the ops team to take appropriate action. Fluent Bit has a number of core characteristics (event-driven and stream analytics features) that allow us to recognize critical events and event patterns as they occur.

In this session, we’ll look at these capabilities of Fluent Bit that can help us not just get data to the tools for metrics visualization and alarms and post-event analysis but also help us to react more quickly and potentially pre-emptively.

Choose Your O11y Adventure Workshop
Tuesday, March 19, 11 AM (CET), Eric D. Schabell
OpenShift Commons Gathering, Gaumont Aquaboulevard, Breakout Room A

Great observability begins with great instrumentation! We know it’s hard to decide where to start your observability journey, so we’ve come up with a perfect introduction to observability workshop collection, getting you hands-on with the best open source cloud native observability projects available. Attendees can pick their own cloud native observability learning path in this session from the following workshops:

  • OpenTelemetry: Learn how to adopt OpenTelemetry by instrumenting a sample application with traces, spans and metrics. 
  • Prometheus: During the workshop, you will install Prometheus, collect metrics, and learn how to effectively run it in your observability stack. 
  • Fluent Bit: This workshop will guide you through the open source project Fluent Bit, what it is, a basic installation, and setting up a first cloud native telemetry pipeline project. 

This workshop is never the same twice as you can choose from a list of CNCF cloud native observability technologies and get hands-on learning about metrics, data pipelines, traces, and data visualization. Each workshop is engaging and requires attendees to solve common challenges as they learn about the open source solutions that interest them the most!

Observability Day
Tuesday, March 19th , 9:00AM (CET), Eduardo Silva
KubeCon EU, Level 7.1, RM N01-02

Eduardo Silva, the creator and maintainer of Fluent Bit, will kick off Open Observability Day while sharing his insights on the observability industry. Don’t miss the opportunity to collaborate and foster discussions around all cloud native projects. 

Checking the pulse of your cloud native architecture
Wednesday, March 20, 6:30-6:45 PM (CET), Eric D. Schabell
KubeCon EU, Google Booth (E2) on Solutions Showcase 

The daily choices you make as an engineer when shipping code contributes to the feedback loop. In cloud native environments, a surprising amount of data is generated from the application layer down to infrastructure and along the delivery path. Regulatory and compliance pressures force us to store audit and observability data. Understanding the pressures on our engineering teams around the collection, storage, and maintenance of your cloud data can mean the difference between successful teams and burnout.  

Let Eric take you on a journey where he’ll look closely at the current state of observability based on a recent research conducted with 500 cloud native engineers and show what it’s like to be in the trenches.

Fluent Bit v3: Unified layer for logs, traces, and metrics
Friday, March 22, 4:55-5:30 PM (CET), Eduardo Silva
KubeCon EU Pavillion 7, Level 7.1, Room D

Logs, metrics, and traces are telemetry signals that help us understand our infrastructure’s overall applications and distributed services status. In production, these signals are generated by the OS, services, or end-user applications, usually through different transport layers, file systems, networks, or ecosystems such as OpenTelemetry and Prometheus. But how do you start collecting and processing data for a healthy telemetry system?

Fluent Bit is a CNCF lightweight Telemetry Agent from the Fluent Ecosystem that powers the whole infrastructure of cloud providers. This session will demo the new features of v3 and general performance benchmarks.

Tap into your inner CTRL freak with Chronosphere and Calyptia

Think you have what it takes to be in control of your observability data? To really know, visit our side-by-side booths G20 and F21  to chat with our observability and pipeline experts and get product demos. 

You’ll also learn how you can take your data and turn it into insights with our observability platform and pipeline, as well as find out more about Chronosphere Lens, our support for logs, and recent Calyptia acquisition

You can even grab some sweet swag; we’ll have our signature <CTRL Freak> socks and the brand new edition of the Calyptia Fluent 3.0  t-shirt!  Stop by while supplies last!

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Curious about the new additions to Fluent Bit? Stop by our Fluent project kiosk to talk about the recent updates; you can find us at kiosk PP6-B in Pavilion 7 | Level 7.2 | Hall 7.2. 

If you’re a leader interested in discussing cloud native technologies and observability trends in the market, join U&I Ventures’ Kim Moore, fellow CTO’s and engineering leaders for dinner on Tuesday, March 19th. If you’re interested in being nominated, please register in advance. 

Haven’t grabbed your ticket yet? Here is a 20% off discount code KCEU24CHRWE20. With a packed schedule across an entire week, KubeCon EU is shaping up to be an excellent, exciting, and informative show. We can’t wait to see you at our booth – and in the crowd. 

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